Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 1, 2010

The Autoprophet Geocache Challenge (SOLVED)

Update: SOLVED! We have a winner.

To promote the new season of Top Gear, BBC America sent me some stuff to give away to my readers. They didn't say how I had to do it, so instead of a boring lottery, I have decided to do a geocache.
The Top Gear swag is hidden inside a brown cardboard box, wrapped up in a plastic bag to keep it dry. The prize includes a 2010 Top Gear calendar, a "Stig" coffee mug, and best of all, the complete season 11 and season 12 DVD sets, 6 discs in all.

The Rules:

  • The first person who finds the stuff keeps it.
  • If you find the booty, please send me an email at TheAutoProphet"at" and let me know that you got it. Please mention the secret word (included with the prize).
  • If no one finds it in two (2) weeks, I will give the whole pile to the Salvation Army for charity
  • Extra points: find the bottle of beer that someone left behind (not me) near my cache.
The Location:

The goods are located in Oakland County, MI, in a little known municipal park. The box will not be buried, but will be mildly camouflaged.

The cache is not far from the trail, you don't have to do much bush-wacking.

Now, GO GO GO!

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